Anuj Won Gold Medal in Badminton Championship

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Whether academics or extracurricular activities; Mangalayatan University provides all amenities to its students thereby they can achieve a great height in their career. The University is not only coveted for its academic activities, rather here students get opportunity in their interested areas to develop their personality holistically. Sport and cultural events are integral part of the academic activities in the University where students from different department exhibit their talent and participate in sport events across the country.

Mangalayatan University’s Anuj won Gold Medal in all India Badminton Championship organized by Youth Games Federation of India in New Delhi between 14-16 October 2022. In this final thriller game of badminton, Anuj beaten his counterpart by 24-22 and won the Gold Medal. On this achievement, the Vice-Chancellor of the University Professor KBSM Krishna greeted Anuj and awarded Gold Medal. Registrar Prof. Dinesh Sharma, Prof. Siddharth Jain, Rajesh Panchsara expressed happiness and wished player a bright future.

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